Gawery Game – Brewery is happy to announce that this week our first mobile game Hangman reached 20 000 downloads on Google Play store. Besides that, the game still keeps steady 4.1 star rating. That is not that bad for fist ever published game.
You can still support us and get Hangman game for free here.
It is available in English and Latvian Languages.
Game still has almost no adds and it’s not generating any revenue. As it was stated earlier – game was meant as a test and learning project.
Our new secret project
Some might wonder why there has been so long silence form Gawery Game – Brewery. No new games, updates or news since last summer. But this was a good silence. It was a silence of hard and intensive game development.
Currently a new game is in production, but because it is planned for a game event/contest, it will not be announced before that. That is also reason for long silence in posts and updates. Lot of work to do, but cant jet show anything.
This will be first PC/Steam game from Gawery Game – Brewery. A lot of coding has been done, and game is almost playable, but we are still in search for some bugs and a Game Artist. Game currently consists of moving cubes and some really awkward game art made by Gawery’s programmer. (He said, that he has been studied for five years in art school, but we don’t buy it).
We hope for some test ready game to publish sometime around March or April.